Most smart professionals keep the filth outside the front door. Not Jane Tennison (Helen Mirren) in the uncomparable Prime Suspect. She always carries her dirty job, the violence and the terror she comes across, with her. Tennison takes every gruesome crime she meets inside her house and her life. There's no private life, hardly friendship, no time for love and tears, only whisky and the comfort of a sneaky sigaret. It's a grim society, there is no escape and it hurts a lot. But Jane Tennison has got convictions. So she keeps on going. She is convinced that in the end there will be justice. At least in the cases she is working and winning.
In Prime Suspect London is just a backdrop. The city is never a character, it only delivers a place to live, work and suffer.
Yesterday I saw Prime Suspect 6: The Last Witness (2003). It's no goodbye yet. I'm glad there is more to see.

Helen Mirren and Laura Greenwood in The Final Act
In Prime Suspect The Final Act (2006) Jane Tennison investigates the murder of a missing girl. She struggles with the consequences of too much alcohol and her father dies...
Under the Albert Bridge, London_2007
I saw a lot of Helen Mirren, lately.