Saturday, 26 May 2007

Idols (I)

Discover. Get excited. Milestones & landmarks. Never to forget Idols that inspire. Adoration. Admiration. Respect. Positive vibrations.

Prince and The Revolution, live Parade Tour in Brussels (Vorst) August, 1986

Prince, live Sign O' The Times Tour in Antwerp (Sportpaleis) June, 1987

So what is there to say about an artist who himself lost faith in the recording industry and in show business? He performs 21 nights in London this summer. Prince will kick off with 7 concerts in the doomed dome that's now officially called the O2 Arena.
I would never miss such an occasion, but... Something happened to my connection with the imp of the perverse. I feel that he is a brilliant has been. He used to do something to me with every record or song, word or note, his guitar, his piano, his drumming and his dirty dancing with Wendy Melvoin, Lisa Coleman, Sheila E, Cat and even Candy Dulfer.
I will never forget the opening of the 1987 concert in Antwerp. It's June and too hot inside a sold out Sportpaleis. Now, here is one of the true great music-moments in my live.
It's at the very beginning of the concert. It's dark. Oh Yeah. Imagine the rhythm-track of Sign O' The Times. It's an anthem in itself, it knocks you out, a beat and sound you can pick from a million. Prince & Cat, extremely high up on the stage, wind blowing through their clothes, yellow and orange lights, Cat turns like a dancing dervish, Prince gives a Hendrix-inspired guitar performance, licking and bending and beating the six strings and he ruins his throat singing In France a skinny man died of a big disease with a little name. High on his heels he pushes and rides against Cat's ass. But if a night falls and a bomb falls Will anybody see the dawn? I'm all goosebumps, start to cry and cannot stand the thought that in a few moments this is going to be all over. It's the sign... of the Times. Than there's the drumming of a live band and it's coming from behind. The band marching in. Sheila E is leading the pack and they are all banging a drum. Eric Leeds, Dr. Fink, Levi Jr., Atlanta Bliss, you name them. There's tears all over my face and I don't want to hide them. This is a magical mystery moment. And all of a sudden it's Play in the Sunshine. Still a genius performing but the magic is gone.
I'm 100% sure the genius will be in the O2 Arena but it cannot beat that perfect momentum in the summer of 1987. If I'm in London in the summer of 2007 I'll visit HOW WE ARE, Photographing Britain in Tate Modern. If you pay 31,21 £ you can see Prince. 3121 is the title of his new album. I did not get it. My Prince was here for the last time 20 years ago.
Millenium Dome aka O2 Dome, London_2007

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